About NetRent

NetRent Ltd started trading in 2001 and was incorporated in July 2003.
NetRent.co.uk is now one of the largest privately owned property websites in the UK, working with landlords, letting agents, local authorities and tenants throughout the country.
What we do
Our aim has always been to offer a range of products, services and information to help landlords run their business profitably and safely. All the products and services we offer benefit from nationally negotiated discounts or other benefits not available to individual landlords.
We derive our income from the fees and commissions generated when landlords purchase products and services through us. This enables us to offer significant parts of this website at no cost, such as our news service and our daily email newsletter about the private rented sector.
There is no obligation on any user of the NetRent website to have to purchase anything at any time in order to use this website.

Our Insurance Business Partners

NetRent Ltd is one of the largest introducers of landlord insurance in the UK. We work with thousands of landlords, letting agents and tenants throughout the UK.
Our insurance business partners are Clear Insurance Management Ltd.
We are totally confident that all enquiries will be handled promptly and professionally by our dedicated NetRent team at Clear.
For more information about Clear Insurance Management Ltd please click here.
Private Rented Sector News and Views
NetRent provides a daily Private Rented Sector email newsletters free of charge to everyone on our database. We also supply daily our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please either Like us on Facebook or Follow Us on Twitter to receive our free daily News feed. We welcome relevant articles or opinion on the UK Private Rented Sector, please click here to Contact Us.
If you would like to be kept up to date with Private Rented Sector news and views please Contact Us.

Social Media
We regularly update our social media pages with information, news and views about the UK Private Rented Sector.
You can also contribute directly to any articles or debate on our Facebook, X, Instagram or LinkedIn pages.
Legal Information
Use of the NetRent Insurance Services website, products and services is on the understanding that you have read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions
We welcome feedback. If you would like to contact us please click here Contact NetRent.