Welcome to NetRent Insurance Services

NetRent Insurance Services is one of the largest introducers of landlord insurance in the UK, working with thousands of landlords and letting agents.
We offer access to independent risk & insurance advice, support and a tailored insurance proposition to landlords, property investors, managing agents and tenants.
Our insurance partner is Clear Insurance Management Ltd who have extensive expertise in the property sector. Clear have access to a wide range of insurers and their team is committed to delivering exceptional client service.
Landlord's Buildings & Contents
Landlord Buildings insurance from one property to an entire portfolio including block management
Home Emergency Cover
Home Emergency Cover provides landlords with peace of mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Rent Guarantee
Rent Guarantee insurance protects landlords against tenants not paying their rent
Commercial Insurance
Tailored, competitive insurance solutions for all types of businesses throughout the United Kingdom.
Personal Insurance
Bespoke personal insurance service fully tailored to your individual needs
Rebuild Cost Assessment
Buildings should always be insured for the amount it would cost to rebuild them.
Other products & services
NetRent have a range of products and services to help you run your business more profitably
Estate & Letting Agents
A business partnership to generate income and increase your services to your landlords
Landlord Associations
Working with Landlord Associations for the benefit of the members and the association
Insurance Information
Articles and information about all aspects of insurance and risk management